Wednesday 15 March 2023


10 Applications Of Integration And Differentiation In Real Life

Have you ever wondered how the universe is constantly in motion and how it is monitored? Or how the motion of all the minute particles can be measured? The answer to all these curiosity questions lies in an interesting subject called Calculus. Calculus is the branch of math that studies the rate of change. 

Isaac Newton of England and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz of Germany independently developed calculus in the 17th century. It encompasses two concepts. The calculation of instantaneous rates of change is differentiation, and the summation of infinitely many small factors to determine a whole is termed integration. 

Calculus helps to calculate and solve problems ranging from tracking the position of a satellite or predicting the pressure building up within a closed space. With important roles to play in such a range of applications, calculus is a very interesting concept. 

In the following post, let us understand what calculus is all about. 

Integration and differentiation: Understanding the difference

Calculus might seem very daunting for beginners. Jargon related to these crucial concepts can create ambiguity among learners. So, let us first understand the basic difference between the two as well as where these actually come into use in real life.

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