Thursday 23 March 2023


Applications of Trigonometry

Applications of Trigonometry can be found in different fields in our day-to-day lives. One of the well-known fields is astronomy where trigonometry helps in determining the distances of the Earth from the planets and stars. It is used in constructing maps in geography and navigation. Applications of trigonometry are also used in finding an island's position in relation to the longitudes and latitudes. Even today, some of the technologically advanced methods which are used in engineering and physical sciences are based on the concepts of trigonometry. Let us learn more about the applications of trigonometry and see a few examples related to it.

What is the Applications of Trigonometry?

Applications of trigonometry are applied in areas such as architecture, celestial mechanics, surveying, etc. The most common fields are astronomy and physics where it helps in finding the distance between the stars and planets, the path in motion, and analysing the waves. Some of the applications include:

  • Various fields like oceanography, seismology, meteorology, physical sciences, astronomy, acoustics, navigation, electronics, and many more.
  • It is also helpful to find the distance of long rivers, measure the height of the mountain, etc.
  • Spherical trigonometry has been used for locating solar, lunar, and stellar positions.

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