Monday 13 March 2023



Example 1 Evaluate the following integral.6

So, on some level, the problem here is the  that is in front of the exponential. If that wasn’t there we could do the integral. Notice as well that in doing integration by parts anything that we choose for  will be differentiated. So, it seems that choosing = will be a good choice since upon differentiating the  will drop out.

Now that we’ve chosen  we know that  will be everything else that remains. So, here are the choices for  and  as well as  and .


The integral is then,


Once we have done the last integral in the problem we will add in the constant of integration to get our final answer.

Note as well that, as noted above, we know we made made a correct choice for  and  when we got a new integral that we actually evaluate after applying the integration by parts formula.

Example 2



We need to choose . In this question we don't have any of the functions suggested in the "priorities" list above.

We could let = or =sin2, but usually only one of them will work. In general, we choose the one that allows  to be of a simpler form than u.

So for this example, we choose u = x and so  will be the "rest" of the integral, dv = sin 2x dx.

We have = so =.

Also =sin2  and integrating gives:



Substituting these 4 expressions into the integration by parts formula, we get (using color-coding so it's easier to see where things come from):


 sin2= cos22cos22 




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