Friday 3 March 2023

Integration Formula

 Integration Formula

Integral Calculus


Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz (1646-1716) and Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727) independently discovered calculus in the mid-17th century. Leibnitz, a German philosopher, mathematician, and political adviser, importantly both as a metaphysician and as a logician, was a distinguished independent inventor of the Differential and Integral Calculus. Sir Isaac Newton had created an expression for the area under a curve by considering a momentary increase at a point.

In effect, the fundamental theorem of calculus was built into his calculations. His work and discoveries were not limited to mathematics; he also developed theories in optics and gravitation.

One cannot imagine a world without differentiation and integration. In this century, we witnessed remarkable scientific advancement owing to the ingenious application of these two basic components of Mathematics. Calculus serve as unavoidable tool for finding solutions to the variety of problems that arise in physics, astronomy, engineering, chemistry, geology, biology, and social sciences.

Calculus deals principally with two geometric problems.

(i) The problem of finding SLOPE of the tangent line to the curve, is studied by the limiting process known as differentiation and

(ii) Problem of finding the AREA of a region under a curve is studied by another limiting process called Integration.

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