Sunday 30 July 2023

Application of algebra in real life

 Applications of Algebra in Life Context

         Algebra is used in many places in everyday life. Algebra is used in financial planning in everyday life. Algebra is used to calculate the interest rate of banks and to calculate the repayment amount of the loan. Also used to trace money growth.

         Algebra is used to plan the diet needed to control one's height, obesity etc. Doctors use algebra to plan drug dosages based on a person's age and weight. Engineers use algebra to design roads, bridges, and tunnels, and architectural engineers to design buildings.

         In algebra each is represented by a scale, so structures designed using it are in perfect proportion. It is used in computer and telephone. Let's see some examples. The logarithm is used to calculate sound levels because the human ear's ability to perceive sound is difficult to measure (1 to 1000 millionths). The unit decibel is used for hearing ability in honor of Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telephone.

         Based on today's world population, its rate of increase can be approximated by relating it to the exponential function. The radioactive element carbon-14 decays according to a layer-dependent formula.

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