Monday 14 August 2023

Interviewing Techniques


Interviewing Techniques

Steps To A Successful Interview

Before An Interview

  • Research: Learn as much as you can about the position and the company beforehand – know the company’s products and services.  Sources for this research are your Career Services Center, the Library and the Internet.
  • Practice:  Practice interviews with a career counselor, friend, family member or by yourself in front of a mirror.
  • Be prompt and prepared:  Arrive 10 to 15 minutes early bring extra copies of your resume, your list of references, a pen and paper, and the list of questions you have for the interviewer.
  • Be prepared to discuss both your strengths and your weaknesses:  Make a list of your skills and key assets.  Then reflect on past jobs/experiences and pick out one or two instances when you used those skills successfully. When exploring your weaknesses, be able to discuss the ways in which you addressed these weaknesses to make them a strength.

During An Interview

  • Introduce yourself in a courteous manner
  • Have a firm handshake
  • Act professionally:  Dress appropriately!  First impressions count!
  • Keep your answers brief and concise
  • Ask questions
  • Maintain a conversational flow
  • Smile, nod, give nonverbal feedback to the interviewer
  • Be enthusiastic:  have a positive attitude
  • Ask about the next step in the process
  • Thank the interviewer

After An Interview

  • Ask the interview for a business card and promptly send a thank you note.
  • Keep the thank you note brief, but reiterate your interest in the position
  • Review the interview process and your performance
  • Evaluate your interview

How To Dress For Interview Success

  • Conservative two-piece business suit/Conservative long-sleeved shirt
  • Make sure your shoes are clean and polished
  • Comb your hair: conservative style and out of your face
  • Trim your fingernails and make certain that they are clean
  • Use minimal cologne or perfume
  • Carry a notepad or portfolio case


  • Wear a silk tie, in an understated pattern:  the colors should complement the suit
  • Dark shoes
  • Facial hair should be well groomed
  • Do not wear jewelry other then a wedding ring 

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