Monday 25 December 2023



What is a compound sentence?

            A compound sentence is one that has two or more independent clauses connected by a coordinating conjunction.

What are the rules to be followed when forming a compound sentence? [refer picture 1 & 2]

v A compound sentence should have at least two independent clauses.

v The independent clauses in a compound sentence can be combined using a coordinating conjunction or a subordinating conjunction.

v Use a comma before the coordinating conjunction.

v Use a semicolon before a subordinating conjunction.

v You can also form compound sentences without a coordinating conjunction or a subordinating conjunction. When you do so, use a semicolon to separate the two independent clauses.

 Examples of Compound Sentences

1)     Jerry did not complete his homework,/ so/ the teacher punished him.
                Independent Clause / coordinating conjunction / Independent Clause
2)     The dress is too tight;/ I don’t think I am going to buy this.
                Independent Clause / Independent Clause
3)     We have to complete it;/ otherwise, /we will have to face the consequences.
                Independent Clause / subordinating conjunction / Independent Clause

What Is a Complex Sentence?
            A complex sentence is one which consists of at least a minimum of one dependent clause and one independent clause, combined by a subordinating conjunction.

What are the points to be remembered when forming complex sentences? [refer picture 1 & 2]

 ¨    A complex sentence should have at least one independent clause and one subordinate clause. 
¨    When forming a complex sentence, make sure you use a subordinating conjunction to link them together. If the subordinating conjunction is used in between the two clauses, you need not use a comma before the conjunction. In case the subordinating conjunction appears in the beginning of a sentence forming a dependent clause, use a comma after it.
¨    You can also use relative clauses to form complex sentences.


Examples of Complex Sentences


1)     Complex Sentences with a Subordinating Conjunction in the Beginning

v As soon as they come,/ we will leave.

Subordinating conjunction forming the subordinate clause,/ independent clause


2)     Complex Sentences with a Subordinating Conjunction in the Middle

v We will be going camping/ if the weather is good.

Independent clause/ subordinating conjunction forming the dependent clause


3)     Complex Sentences with a Relative Clause as the Dependent Clause

v The professor, whom I met yesterday, highly appreciated my ideas for the project.

Relative clausewhom I met yesterday

Independent clauseThe professor highly appreciated my ideas for the project.







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