Sunday 13 August 2023

Applications of Matrices


Applications of Matrices

Matrices have the following uses in our day-to-day life. Some of the uses of matrices in daily life are mentioned below:

  • Encryption – A very common use of matrix in daily life is during encryption. We use it to scramble data for security purposes, and to encode and decode this data, we require matrices. There is a key that helps encode and decode data which is generated by matrices.
  • Games especially 3D – One application of matrices is in games. We use it to alter the object, in 3d space. They use the 3d matrix to 2d matrix to convert it into the different objects as per requirement.
  • Economics and Business -To study the trends of a business, shares, etc. and to create business models etc.
  • Construction – Another common application of matrices in real life is the construction sector. Have you seen some buildings that are straight but sometimes architects try to change the outer structure of the building? This can be done with matrices. A matrix is made of rows and columns you can change the number of rows and columns within a matrix. Matrices can help support various historical structures.
  • Dance – contra dance – It is used to organise complicated group dances.
  • Animation – It can help make animations more precise and accurate.
  • Physics – Matrices are applied in the study of quantum mechanics, electrical circuits, and optics. It helps in the calculation of battery power outputs, resistor conversion of electrical energy into another useful energy. Therefore, matrices play a major role in calculations.  Especially in solving the problems using Kirchoff’s laws of voltage and current.
  • Geology – Matrices are used for taking seismic surveys.

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