Sunday 13 August 2023

Basic Math Formulas


3-D Formulas

  • Cube
  • Surface Area of Cube = 6a2
  • Volume of Cube = a3

a’ is the length of sides of Cube

  • Cylinder
  • Curved Surface Area of Cylinder = 2πrh
  • Total Surface Area of Cylinder = 2πr(r + h)
  • Volume of Cylinder = V = πr2h

r’ is the radius of base of Cylinder
h’ is the height of Cylinder

  • Cone
  • Curved Surface Area of Cone = πrl
  • Total Surface Area of Cone = πr(r + l) = πr[r + √(h2 + r2)]
  • Volume of Cone = V = 1/3× πr2h

r’ is the Radius of base of Cone
h is the Height of the Cone

  • Sphere
  1. Surface Area of a Sphere = S = 4πr2
  2. Volume of a Sphere = V = 4/3 × πr3

is the Radius of Sphere

Various formulas used for 3-D objects are,

3D Shapes

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