Monday 28 August 2023

Real life applications of Trigonometry


Trigonometry Can Be Used to Measure the Height of a Building or Mountains

If you know the distance from where you observe the building and the angle of elevation you can easily find the height of the building. Similarly, if you have the value of one side and the angle of depression from the top of the building you can find and another side in the triangle, all you need to know is one side and angle of the triangle.

Using Trigonometry to Find Height of Taj Mahal

Have you ever played the game, Mario? When you see him so smoothly glide over the roadblocks. He does not really jump straight along the Y-axis, it is a slightly curved path or a parabolic path that he takes to tackle the obstacles on his way. Trigonometry helps Mario jump over these obstacles. As you know Gaming industry is all about IT and computers and hence Trigonometry is of equal importance for these engineers.

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