Monday 28 August 2023

Real life applications of Trigonometry


Trigonometry Used in Navigation

Trigonometry is used to set directions such as the north-south or east-west. It tells you what direction to take with the compass to get in a straight direction. It is used in navigation in order to pinpoint a location. It is also used to find the distance of the shore from a point in the sea. It is also used to see the horizon.

Trigonometry in Navigation

Other Uses of Trigonometry

Following are the other real-life applications of Trigonometry:

  • It is used in oceanography in calculating the height of tides in oceans.
  • The sine and cosine functions are fundamental to the theory of periodic functions, those that describe sound and light waves.
  • Calculus is made up of Trigonometry and Algebra.
  • Trigonometry can be used to roof a house, to make the roof inclined ( in the case of single individual bungalows) and the height of the roof in buildings, etc.
  • It is used in the naval and aviation industries.
  • It is used in cartography (creation of maps).
  • Also, trigonometry has its applications in satellite systems.

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