Monday 27 November 2023




         A conditional sentence refers to a hypothetical situation and its possible consequence. Conditional sentences always contain a subordinate clause that expresses a condition and a main clause indicating the outcome of this condition

Example: If it rains tomorrow, the match will be canceled.

There are 4 main types of conditional clauses. Refer the below chart.

Mixed conditional

           Mixed conditional sentences use a combination of the second and third conditionals. The first type of mixed conditional is used to refer to an unreal past condition and its ongoing consequence. Sentences that use the first type of mixed conditional contain two clauses:

v A subordinate clause containing a verb in the past perfect tense (as in a third conditional)

v A main clause with a modal verb (usually “would”) and the infinitive form of the main verb (as in a second conditional)

Examples: Type 1 mixed conditional SENTENCE.

v If you had eaten your dinner, you wouldn’t be hungry.

v You would know there was a meeting if you had read the email.

The second type of mixed conditional sentence is used to describe an unreal past condition and its past consequence. It’s formed using:

¨    A subordinate clause with a verb in the past subjunctive form (as in a second           conditional)

¨    A main clause containing a modal verb (usually “would”) along with the auxiliary verb “have” and the past participle of the main verb (as in a third conditional)

Examples: Type 2 mixed conditional sentences.
¨    If you paid attention in school, you would have learned more.
¨    I would have invited you if I knew you were free.
Common mistake: Adding “would” to the “if” clause
            When using conditional sentences, people sometimes add the modal verb “would” to the subordinate clause. While “would” is often used in the main clause of second, third, or mixed conditional sentences, it’s wrong to add “would” to the subordinate clause.
Ø Instead, subordinate clauses in the second conditional always use the past subjunctive form, while subordinate clauses in the third conditional always use the past perfect form.
Examples: Modal verbs and conditionals

Ø If you would drive to work, you would arrive earlier. (wrong)

Ø If you drove to work, you would arrive earlier. (correct)

Ø If he would have asked first, I might have agreed. (wrong)

Ø If he had asked first, I might have agreed. (correct)

few more examples of conditional clause
zero conditional

v If you don’t eat, you become hungry.

v When you melt ice, it turns to water.

v If you get lost, call me.

v If you want to speak to a sales representative, dial “1.”

first conditional

v If Laura sleeps any longer, she will miss the bus.

v If you don’t practice guitar, then you won’t improve.

v can drive Nick to the airport if he needs a lift.

second conditional

v If I were rich, then I would drive a different car every day.

v If Bill talked less, he could finish more tasks.

v Everyone would be unhappy if the flight were delayed.

Third conditional

v If you hadn’t burned the pie, it would have tasted delicious.

v If Sander had studied more, then he might have gotten a better grade.

v would have labeled the files more clearly if I had known they were important.

Video reference in English and Tamil



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